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VHR Global Technical Recruitment
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3 min read

7 Values Your Recruitment Provider Must Have

Values make up the foundation of any business. They determine how the business will grow, the decisions that will be made, and how it’s viewed by the rest of the world. A strong core of values helps

Why Flight Is Still Crucial to Businesses in The Digital Age

The digital age we live in allows for instant communication on a mass scale. When you can be in a meeting in Australia in the morning, have a conference call with your clients in Germany in the aftern...

Fake Jobs: How to Protect Your Business and Future Employees

The UAE’s Ministry of Interior has warned companies and jobseekers against the rise of fake jobs. Fake jobs are a sophisticated and rapidly growing threat to employment all over the world, and the tre...

Skills You Need to Work in the Marine Industry

What skills do candidates need to work in the Marine industry and how can a candidate’s skill-set be transitional across engineering industries?

3 min read

5 Reasons to Work in the UAE

With some of the best business and employment opportunities in the world, it's no surprise that the UAE attracts so many international workers.

4 Reasons to Focus On Marine Sustainability

VHR’s team of Marine recruitment specialists are passionate about continually improving the Marine industry by providing engineering jobs and high-quality skills to the sector globally, and by helping...

3 min read

10 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make In A Job Interview

Your interview is the first impression your recruiter or hiring manager will have of you, and first impressions count for a lot.

Marine Technology: Biometric Data Empowering Sailors

Biometrics is the measurement and statistical analysis of the unique physical and behavioural characteristics of individuals. The growth of biometrics has led to fantastic changes in sport by allowing...

Reasons to Work in Engineering

Looking for a new career with a good salary and exciting opportunities? Here are our top 5 reasons to work in Engineering.

Best Things That Have Been Discovered in Space

What are the best things astronauts and satellites have discovered about space, and how have these discoveries helped science research back on Earth? Runaway Stars: One of the best things Satellites h...

6 Developments of AI in Recruitment

What are the advancements in recruitment technologies and how can recruiters adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments to help employ the best candidates? 1. Programmatic, targeted job advertisi...

4 min read

Reasons for Working in the UK

Why Engineers Should Work In The UK 1: British Culture Great Britain has a diverse range of cultures, largely due to immigration. By working in the UK, a person will experience a variety of philosophy...