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How Boosting Self-Esteem in the Workplace Can Help Productivity

Many businesses are trying to improve the mental health of their teams. It has many benefits, from lowering turnover to increasing productivity, but mental health is a complex subject, and it isn’t al...

2 min read

Best Jobs You Don’t Need A Degree For

For years young people in the UK have been told they must get a degree to have a successful career. But there are several jobs you can get without a degree, that will allow you to have long and prospe...

8 min read

7 Easy Ways to Stand Out from Other Job Applicants

As more people than ever before are graduating from University, taking internships, completing further education throughout their careers and undertaking voluntary and creative work on top of their da...

9 min read

What to Expect from Second Interviews

Covid-19 saw millions placed on furlough at lower salaries and rates, lose work contracts or be made redundant.

3 min read

How To Explain A Gap In Your CV

Explaining a gap in your CV isn’t easy.

3 min read

5 Ways To Find Out What Hiring Managers Are Looking For

When looking for a new job, it’s important to know what hiring managers are looking for. You can be incredibly qualified, with years of experience and top qualifications, but if you don’t convince the...

Why Working as a Helicopter Engineer Could Be the Perfect Aviation Career For You

When most people think of the aviation industry, they most likely think of planes. Millions of flights take off and land every day, and planes transport vast amounts of global trade.

4 min read

Guide to Working in Ireland

Want to work in one of the largest and most famous islands in the world?

4 min read

The UK Working Visa Guide

In 2023, there were over a 320,000 visas granted to work in the UK. Like anywhere, applying for a visa takes some time, there’s a lot of paperwork and some fees to pay, but a working visa can open doo...

3 min read

Guide to Working in Saudi Arabia

Want to work in a Middle Eastern country that’s famous for the world’s largest desert and the second largest Arab country that offers endless opportunities?

Why We Need More Women In STEM Roles 

STEM, or science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, is an important field, one that requires talent, ingenuity, and creative thinking to solve the world’s problems.

3 min read

Guide to Working in Italy

When you work in a global industry like engineering, you truly can work anywhere. And if you can work anywhere, why wouldn’t you want to work in Italy?