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Guide to Working in Ireland

  • by: Jennifer Robinson
  • On: 14, Mar 2024
4 min read

Want to work in one of the largest and most famous islands in the world?

Ireland is the only English-speaking country in the Eurozone and home to many of the world’s top high-performing companies.

Here’s our Guide to Working in Ireland.

Irish Accommodation – How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of living will vary across regions of the country; for example, between cities, towns, suburbs and villages. However, here are the average rents and bills for Ireland’s capital city Dublin and the surrounding areas to help you plan your budget:

· Single/Couple Rent in the City – One month’s rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Dublin would cost around 1,223,79€.

· Single/Couple Rent in the Suburbs – One month's rent for a one-bedroom apartment in an average Dublin suburb would cost you around 1,016,51€.

· Monthly Utility Bill for an Irish Apartment – Utilities for one month for 2 people in an flat in Dublin will cost around 161,85€.

Irish Transport – How to Travel Around

The capital’s public transport system is made up of buses, trains and trams to help you travel around. On the road, Dublin Bus has an extensive network of buses which run frequently through the downtown area and through to the suburbs.

The Dublin Metro is made up of the (DART) Dublin Area Rapid Transport and commuter trains, which are a quick and easy way to get in and out of the city. Dublin’s tram system, the Luas, provides accessible transport services to the city centre and suburbs.

The Dublin bike-sharing scheme offers a cheap and environmentally friendly way to get around, with over 100 bike stations throughout the city.


The culture of Ireland includes unique traditions and customs, as well as folklore, music, language, art, and food. The Gaelic
culture originated in Ireland but eventually expanded to Scotland and much of northwestern Europe. Archaeological evidence has shown that farming in Ireland began about the time humans first began to settle. The Irish culture has been influenced by Scottish, English, and AngloNorman cultures throughout history.

Today many Irish traditions have become known around the world, including Halloween and Saint Patrick's Day.The two official languages English and Irish. Irish is considered to be a Celtic language.


Irish tax is collected through the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system. Each time you are paid, your employer deducts your income tax, PRSI and USC. You are also entitled to tax credits, which reduce the amount of tax paid, and Ireland has one of the highest rates of tax relief in Europe.

Income tax is charged as a percentage of your income, and there are two tax rates in Ireland. Income up to a certain amount is taxed at 20%, with the remainder taxed at 40%. The cut-off point for the standard rate depends on individual circumstances.


In general, large employers in Ireland have company pension schemes but many smaller employers do not. Each scheme
has its own set of rules and is regulated by the Pensions Board.


The compulsory school age in Ireland is 6 years old and all forms of pre-primary education are optional. However, children from the age of 4 can be enrolled in infant classes in primary schools. Primary education includes state-funded primary
schools -  religious schools, nondenominational schools, multi-denominational schools - and private schools:
Gaelscoileanna (Irish-medium schools).

Post-primary education consists of a three-year Junior Cycle (lower secondary), followed by two or three years in the Senior Cycle (upper secondary), depending on whether students take an optional transition year.

Travel Opportunities

Those living in Ireland can easily travel to other nearby countries such as:

  • The UK - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are fascinating destinations in their own right, and
    travel between these countries reveal both shared culture and unique local ways of life
  • France - a wealth of history and gastronomic experiences
  • Iceland - a haven for nature-lovers.


Try out these handy phrases in Gaelic:

  • Hi = Haigh
  • Yes = tá
  • No = uimh
  • Thank You = go raibh maith agat
  • Goodbye = Slán
  • Sorry = leithscéal
  • You're welcome = tá fáilte romhat
  • How are you ? = Conas tá tú ?
  • Well = Maith

Why You Should Live in Ireland – Things to Do and See

  • Marvel at the Powerscourt Estate – County Wicklow, a region south of Dublin is known for its mountains and Irish Sea coastline. Powerscourt Estate is Wicklow's most visited attraction: the 64 square kilometre estate is 500m south of Enniskerry town.
  • Visit the Old Library – The greatest treasures of Trinity College Dublin are found within the Old Library, built by Thomas Burgh between 1712 and 1732.
  • Climb the Rock of Cashel – One of the country’s most spectacular historic sites, the Rock of Cashel is a mammoth green hill boasting limestone outcrops, rising from a grassy environment and abundant with a variety of ancient features. The Rock of Cashel is located in County Tipperary.
  • Guinness Factory Museum – Discover the most popular visit in town: an homage to Guinness in a converted grain storehouse, part of a 26-hectare brewery.

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