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Reasons to Work in Belgium

  • by: Ryan Abbot
  • On: 29, Jul 2020
6 min read

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen many workers around the world re-evaluate their careers and lives.

50% of employees are planning to look for a new job after COVID-19, and many more are also looking to make a much bigger change. Greater work/life balance, travel opportunities, weather and climate, and desire for more culture are some of the most popular reasons behind the drive to seek employment overseas.

Here are five reasons to make the leap and move to work in Belgium.


5 Reasons to Move to Belgium

1. Workplace Happiness

The European country holds the number one spot on the Global Workplace Happiness Index 2020. The Index measures not only how happy employees are with their jobs, but also their confidence in the local economy and their chances of finding their next job, as well as their satisfaction in their day-to-day jobs and career prospects in the next few years. Worker happiness is also an indicator of business success, with happy employees more likely to work in thriving economies and innovative, growing organisations in countries that collaborate and support businesses.

Belgium’s success on the list is attributable to tis excellent approach to employee engagement, with Belgian companies treating their employees as individuals and tailoring their support and career development plans to employee wants and needs. Belgian companies prioritise talent acquisition and retention, and set new European standards for staff benefits, salaries and work/life balance.

2. Travel Opportunities

Following the ending of global lockdowns that have lasted several months, travelling the world is even more precious to many. Living in proximity to luxurious and enjoyable holiday destinations will be a key feature on the list for future expats and migrant workers for years to come.

Due to its central European location, Belgium is ideally situated for fast and efficient travel to many sought-after locations including: 

  • France – Renowned for its wines and world-famous cuisine, as well as being the home to a wealth of culture and fashion, France boasts plenty for any visitor to enjoy
  • Netherlands – The region’s picturesque canals, classical art and creative capital Amsterdam enthral travellers of all ages and backgrounds
  • Germany – Holidaymakers can enjoy a vast range of experiences across this diverse country, from hiking through forests and mountain ranges to swimming in its North Sea beaches, and partying in the country’s famous nightlife and social events such as Oktoberfest
  • Switzerland – Reachable through the country’s beautiful mountain borders, Switzerland contains a plethora of medieval architecture, notable landmarks and snowy landscapes perfect for aspiring skiers
  • Spain – The country’s fascinating history is beaten only by its beautiful sandy beaches and glorious weather, and is only a 1-2 hour plane journey away.


3. Culture

With its capital Brussels the major hub of the European Union, the country is a major centre for international politics and an excellent place to meet new people of all different nationalities and backgrounds. Belgians themselves speak three languages: English, Dutch (Flemish) and French (mostly Brussels and Walloon people).

Belgium’s place in history is unparalleled, and the country is home to a richness of cultural and historical experiences. The centre of many European artistic movements, the region offers creative individuals the chance to enjoy paintings and architecture from the Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau periods. Literature, cinema, music, museums and theatre are popular parts of daily life and leisure activities. The country is famous for its comfort food-focused and hearty gastronomy including chocolate, waffles, fries and beer.

The region is amongst the most tolerant and accepting nations in the world. Under EU legislation, part-time and temporary workers benefit from the same legal protection as their full-time employed contemporaries, and home and remote workers are also legally protected. Belgium’s working population are legally protected, supported and awarded opportunities regardless of background or demographic, and equal treatment in personal and professional life is ensured across sex and gender, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation or disability. Gender, LGBT and minority rights are seen as some of the globe’s most progressive and welcoming.


4. Economy & Jobs Market

Belgium’s location again supports its growing economy, which is driven by a highly diversified economic base of both industrial manufacturing and services markets. The Financial Services and Tech sectors are particularly successful and fast-growing. The country has a large expat community, with European Union (EU) nationals particularly welcomed into a range of industries and specialisms. The country’s geographic location also makes it in ideal expansion opportunity for many global businesses, with major players in industries across the world hosting offices, worksites and hubs in Belgium.

The country’s low unemployment rate means that many organisations are suffering skills shortages, which is great news for those seeking employment. Belgian organisations are urgently looking for a variety of skills across Engineering, Technology, Education, Healthcare and Accountancy. Due to the region’s status as a popular travel destination, tourism is also popular and brings the opportunity for seasonal and part-time jobs for those of any age, background and skill level, including in the Hospitality, Tourism and Transport areas.

5. Quality of Life

Those working in Belgium enjoy a much shorter week than many other nations at an average of 38 hours per week or 8 hours per day. The country’s employees receive 10 public holidays away from work every year, and the often generous holiday allowances are worked out depending on the number of days an individual employee has worked in the previous year. The average summer holiday entitlement is at least four weeks, and most employees and self-employed workers enjoy an excellent work/life balance.

Business leaders in the region are increasingly aware and supportive of flexible working initiatives, with home and remote working on the rise. Excellent transport links across rail, road and river enables commuters to enjoy the best of both worlds by living in the countryside and benefiting from city bustle, socialising and salaries.


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