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5 min read

5 Ways To Protect Your Business From Cyber Crime

With everyone working from home, 2020 saw a massive spike in cyber crime, as there were more vulnerable systems for criminals to take advantage of.

4 min read

How AI Is Reshaping The Defence Industry

New technology has always been used in war to gain the upper hand. Bows were replaced with crossbows which were replaced with guns. Horses were replaced with cars. War has even facilitated and sped up...

3 min read

How The Gas Shortage is Predicted to Impact the Marine Industry

The energy crisis is having an impact on almost every industry around the world. You can’t have an industry without energy, so the strain will be felt on costs, operations, and ability to meet demand....

How Covid Changed The Job Market

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of 2020 had a huge impact on the global job market. Every business had to alter how it operated, or even close entirely. Millions of workers were sud...

How to Hire the Best Civil Engineering Talent in a Skills Shortage

The engineering sector is facing a difficult skills shortage. The shortage of STEM skills is costing the UK around £1.5 billion a year when it comes to training, recruitment, and lost productivity. Wh...

3 min read

Marine Racing for the Future

Marine racing is a sport that has always looked to the future. New technology, new designs, new ways of producing boats, the sport has never stood still, and that’s still true today. Let’s look at how...

Can the UK reach net-zero in Aviation?

Aviation is currently responsible for around 2.5% of all CO2 emissions globally. That may not sound like much, but when you consider, that around 40 billion tonnes of CO2 is released into the atmosphe...

4 min read

The Shift to a Partnership Approach in Defence and Security

Defence and security teams haven’t always worked with partnerships in mind. In the past, organisations and businesses wanted to prove they didn’t need any help, that they could handle any situation by...

New Technologies In Civil Engineering and Infrastructure

Civil engineering is an ever-changing industry. With the advent of smart technology, 3D printing, and automation, civil engineers are no longer stuck at a desk designing bridges or buildings with pape...

The Aviation Skills Crisis

Prepared by Danny Brooks MBE, CEO Virtual Human Resources Ltd.

How To Address The Skills Shortage In The Technical And Engineering Industries 

The skills shortage is one of the biggest issues facing the technical sector today. Across different industries, whether aviation, automotive, marine, or energy, businesses are struggling to attract a...

The Best Engineering Jobs For The Future 

When choosing a career path, it can be helpful to consider how certain jobs will fare in the future. While no one can truly predict what the future will be like, we are living in a time of great chang...