Engineering News & Technical Recruitment News

VHR Wins Globee Award

Written by Jennifer Robinson | Jul 4, 2018 10:30:19 AM

VHR are delighted to announce that we have won the Globee Awards for unrivalled Customer Service in the EMEA region.

The Globee Awards are the world's premier international business awards programme open to all organisations worldwide across industries. Born in the global hub for technology and innovation, Silicon Valley in the United States, thousands of companies enter the awards every year and undergo a rigorous application and judging process.

VHR are delighted to have won the title of Customer Success of the Year - EMEA (Europe, Middle-East and Africa) in the Globee Awards 2018. We are passionate about the industries where we operate, the career-enhancing support we provide and the people with whom we work.

VHR delivers a partner-orientated approach to technical recruitment, which involves acting as an extension of our clients’ business to truly understand their organisation and their unique needs. We are prominent supporters of ethical recruitment and our services are based on the Dhaka Principles to ensure we protect our candidates and provide them with the best possible recruitment experience, wherever they are in the world.

VHR now works across 45 countries and 4 continents, and we are proud to go the extra mile for every client and candidate.

The receipt of the Globee Awards follows VHR’s awards success in 2018 so far:

Other recipients of the Globee Awards 2018 include start-ups, SMEs and large global businesses across engineering, technology, cyber security and professional services.

Find out more about VHR’s award-winning technical recruitment services.

See and apply for all our technical jobs here.